Writing Samples


White Paper

I ghost wrote a white paper for Elatec Inc. out of Palm City, Fl. They are a leading global provider of solutions related to short range wireless readers/writers including RFID. This white paper describes Elatec’s use of their RFID products to User Authentication and Access Control in industrial automation applications.

Industrial Automation White Paper 12.16.20 – FINAL


Corporate Blog Posts:

I ghost wrote numerous blog posts for Reid Supply’s Industry News page of their website. Based out of Norton Shores, Mi. Reid Supply is a premier provider of  industrial components to manufacturers throughout North America.

Placed Article:

This thought leadership piece was ghost written by me and submitted by Elatec Inc. to various trade publications with Elatec Inc. credited as the writer.

RFID as an Industrial Cybersecurity Method | Automation World 


Sell Sheet:

I ghost wrote this Sell Sheet for Elatec Inc. to help highlight a new product and industrial application.

Elatec Network-Enabled Authentication and Access Control Station



Case Study:

I wrote this Case Study as an example of my writing ability before I had any real examples to showcase. It was based on my experience as an engineering consultant.

Example Case Study


Contact me to discuss YOUR project:

Michael Jones

Email: michael@michaeljonescopywriter.com
Phone: 1+ (248) 835-5776
Troy, Michigan US