
As an Industrial Manufacturing Automation Copywriter, I am often called upon to write articles. An article is typically written to convey facts, information, news and unbiased perspective. An article starts at the 2500 word range and is an in-depth description exploring every facet of the topic with no real objective other than to convey facts, information and news.

About Articles

An article’s objective is to provide the topics information in full description with little to no actionable objective. They either answer questions, solve issues or inform. They give the reader answers and provide up to date information. Articles establish a company as a leading authority on everything the industry offers and most importantly it’s products.

What Are Articles Used for?

Through the articles, a company can provide the reader with well researched and thought out answers, supported by data on issues related to their products.

Contact me to discuss YOUR project:


Michael Jones

Phone: 1+ (248) 835-5776
Troy, Michigan USA